Inner Accretion Disk Edges in a Kerr-Like Spacetime

الملخص بالإنكليزية

According to the no-hair theorem, astrophysical black holes are uniquely described by the Kerr metric. In order to test this theorem with observations in either the electromagnetic or gravitational-wave spectra, several Kerr-like spacetimes have been constructed which describe potential deviations from the Kerr spacetime in parametric form. For electromagnetic tests of the no-hair theorem, such metrics allow for the proper modeling of the accretion flows around candidate black holes and the radiation emitted from them. In many of these models, the location of the inner edge of the accretion disk is of special importance. This inner edge is often taken to coincide with the innermost stable circular orbit, which can serve as a direct probe of the spin and the deviation from the Kerr metric. In certain cases, however, an innermost stable circular orbit does not exist, and the inner edge of an accretion disk is instead determined by an instability against small perturbations in the direction vertical to the disk. In this paper, I analyze the properties of accretion disks in the Kerr-like metric proposed by Johannsen and Psaltis [Phys. Rev. D 83, 124015 (2011)], whose inner edges are located at the radii where this vertical instability occurs. I derive expressions of the energy and axial angular momentum of disk particles that move on circular equatorial orbits and calculate the locations of the inner disk edges. As a possible observable of such accretion disks, I simulate profiles of relativistically broadened iron lines and show that they depend significantly on the values of the spin and the deviation parameter.

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