A variational perspective on cloaking by anomalous localized resonance

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A body of literature has developed concerning cloaking by anomalous localized resonance. The mathematical heart of the matter involves the behavior of a divergence-form elliptic equation in the plane, $ ablacdot (a(x) abla u(x)) = f(x)$. The complex-valued coefficient has a matrix-shell-core geometry, with real part equal to 1 in the matrix and the core, and -1 in the shell; one is interested in understanding the resonant behavior of the solution as the imaginary part of $a(x)$ decreases to zero (so that ellipticity is lost). Most analytical work in this area has relied on separation of variables, and has therefore been restricted to radial geometries. We introduce a new approach based on a pair of dual variational principles, and apply it to some non-radial examples. In our examples, as in the radial setting, the spatial location of the source $f$ plays a crucial role in determining whether or not resonance occurs.

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