Ambiguity of {omega}-Languages of Turing Machines

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An {omega}-language is a set of infinite words over a finite alphabet X. We consider the class of recursive {omega}-languages, i.e. the class of {omega}-languages accepted by Turing machines with a Buchi acceptance condition, which is also the class {Sigma}11 of (effective) analytic subsets of X{omega} for some finite alphabet X. We investigate here the notion of ambiguity for recursive {omega}-languages with regard to acceptance by Buchi Turing machines. We first present in detail essentials on the literature on {omega}-languages accepted by Turing Machines. Then we give a complete and broad view on the notion of ambiguity and unambiguity of Buchi Turing machines and of the {omega}-languages they accept. To obtain our new results, we make use of results and methods of effective descriptive set theory.

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