Wave functions and correlation functions for GKP strings from integrability

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We develop a general method of computing the contribution of the vertex operators to the semi-classical correlation functions of heavy string states, based on the state-operator correspondence and the integrable structure of the system. Our method requires only the knowledge of the local behavior of the saddle point configuration around each vertex insertion point and can be applied to cases where the precise forms of the vertex operators are not known. As an important application, we compute the contributions of the vertex operators to the three-point functions of the large spin limit of the Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov (GKP) strings in $AdS_3$ spacetime, left unevaluated in our previous work [arXiv:1110.3949] which initiated such a study. Combining with the finite part of the action already computed previously and with the newly evaluated divergent part of the action, we obtain finite three-point functions with the expected dependence of the target space boundary coordinates on the dilatation charge and the spin.

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