Stability at Random Close Packing

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The requirement that packings of hard particles, arguably the simplest structural glass, cannot be compressed by rearranging their network of contacts is shown to yield a new constraint on their microscopic structure. This constraint takes the form a bound between the distribution of contact forces P(f) and the pair distribution function g(r): if P(f) sim f^{theta} and g(r) sim (r-{sigma})^(-{gamma}), where {sigma} is the particle diameter, one finds that {gamma} geq 1/(2+{theta}). This bound plays a role similar to those found in some glassy materials with long-range interactions, such as the Coulomb gap in Anderson insulators or the distribution of local fields in mean-field spin glasses. There is ground to believe that this bound is saturated, offering an explanation for the presence of avalanches of rearrangements with power-law statistics observed in packings.

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