Gauge-Higgs Unification In Spontaneously Created Fuzzy Extra Dimensions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose gauge-Higgs unification in fuzzy extra dimensions as a possible solution to the Higgs naturalness problem. In our approach, the fuzzy extra dimensions are created spontaneously as a vacuum solution of certain four-dimensional gauge theory. As an example, we construct a model which has a fuzzy torus as its vacuum. The Higgs field in our model is associated with the Wilson loop wrapped on the fuzzy torus. We show that the quadratic divergence in the mass of the Higgs field in the one-loop effective potential is absent. We then argue based on symmetries that the quantum corrections to the Higgs mass is suppressed including all loop contributions. We also consider a realization on the worldvolume theory of D3-branes probing $C^3/(Z_N times Z_N)$ orbifold with discrete torsion.

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