Parametrized Ring-Spectra and the Nearby Lagrangian Conjecture

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We prove that any closed connected exact Lagrangian manifold L in a connected cotangent bundle T*N is up to a finite covering space lift a homology equivalence. We prove this by constructing a fibrant parametrized family of ring spectra FL parametrized by the manifold N. The homology of FL will be (twisted) symplectic cohomology of T*L. The fibrancy property will imply that there is a Serre spectral sequence converging to the homology of FL and the product combined with intersection product on N induces a product on this spectral sequence. This product structure and its relation to the intersection product on L is then used to obtain the result. Combining this result with work of Abouzaid we arrive at the conclusion that L -> N is always a homotopy equivalence.

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