Revolutionaries and Spies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $G = (V,E)$ be a graph and let $r,s,k$ be positive integers. Revolutionaries and Spies, denoted $cG(G,r,s,k)$, is the following two-player game. The sets of positions for player 1 and player 2 are $V^r$ and $V^s$ respectively. Each coordinate in $p in V^r$ gives the location of a revolutionary in $G$. Similarly player 2 controls $s$ spies. We say $u, u in V(G)^n$ are adjacent, $u sim u$, if for all $1 leq i leq n$, $u_i = u_i$ or ${u_i,u_i} in E(G)$. In round 0 player 1 picks $p_0 in V^r$ and then player 2 picks $q_0 in V^s$. In each round $i geq 1$ player 1 moves to $p_i sim p_{i-1}$ and then player 2 moves to $q_i sim q_{i-1}$. Player 1 wins the game if he can place $k$ revolutionaries on a vertex $v$ in such a way that player 1 cannot place a spy on $v$ in his following move. Player 2 wins the game if he can prevent this outcome. Let $s(G,r,k)$ be the minimum $s$ such that player 2 can win $cG(G,r,s,k)$. We show that for $d geq 2$, $s(Z^d,r,2)geq 6 lfloor frac{r}{8} rfloor$. Here $a,b in Z^{d}$ with $a eq b$ are connected by an edge if and only if $|a_i - b_i| leq 1$ for all $i$ with $1 leq i leq d$.

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