Collective modes in the color flavor locked phase

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the low energy effective action for the collective modes of the color flavor locked phase of QCD. This phase of matter has long been known to be a superfluid because by picking a phase its order parameter breaks the quark-number $U(1)_B$ symmetry spontaneously. We consider the modes describing fluctuations in the magnitude of the condensate, namely the Higgs mode, and in the phase of the condensate, namely the Nambu-Goldstone (or Anderson-Bogoliubov) mode associated with the breaking of $U(1)_B$. By employing as microscopic theory the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model, we reproduce known results for the Lagrangian of the Nambu-Goldstone field to the leading order in the chemical potential and extend such results evaluating corrections due to the gap parameter. Moreover, we determine the interaction terms between the Higgs and the Nambu-Goldstone field. This study paves the way for a more reliable study of various dissipative processes in rotating compact stars with a quark matter core in the color flavor locked phase.

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