Symmetry invariance for adapting biological systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study in this paper certain properties of the responses of dynamical systems to external inputs. The motivation arises from molecular systems biology. and, in particular, the recent discovery of an important transient property, related to Webers law in psychophysics: fold-change detection in adapting systems, the property that scale uncertainty does not affect responses. FCD appears to play an important role in key signaling transduction mechanisms in eukaryotes, including the ERK and Wnt pathways, as well as in E.coli and possibly other prokaryotic chemotaxis pathways. In this paper, we provide further theoretical results regarding this property. Far more generally, we develop a necessary and sufficient characterization of adapting systems whose transient behaviors are invariant under the action of a set (often, a group) of symmetries in their sensory field. A particular instance is FCD, which amounts to invariance under the action of the multiplicative group of positive real numbers. Our main result is framed in terms of a notion which extends equivariant actions of compact Lie groups. Its proof relies upon control theoretic tools, and in particular the uniqueness theorem for minimal realizations.

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