The spin-orbit angles of the transiting exoplanets WASP-1b, WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b from Rossiter-McLaughlin observations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for the transiting exoplanet systems WASP-1, WASP-24, WASP-38 and HAT-P-8, and deduce the orientations of the planetary orbits with respect to the host stars rotation axes. The planets WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b appear to move in prograde orbits and be well aligned, having sky-projected spin orbit angles consistent with zero: {lambda} = -4.7 pm 4.0{deg}, {lambda} = 15 + 33{deg}/-43{deg} and {lambda} = -9.7 +9.0{deg}/-7.7{deg}, respectively. The host stars have Teff < 6250 K and conform with the trend of cooler stars having low obliquities. WASP-38b is a massive planet on a moderately long period, eccentric orbit so may be expected to have a misaligned orbit given the high obliquities measured in similar systems. However, we find no evidence for a large spin-orbit angle. By contrast, WASP-1b joins the growing number of misaligned systems and has an almost polar orbit, {lambda} = -79 +4.5{deg}/-4.3{deg}. It is neither very massive, eccentric nor orbiting a hot host star, and therefore does not share the properties of many other misaligned systems.

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