Accelerated Quark and Holography for Confining Gauge theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show a constantly accelerated quark as a string solution of the Nambu-Goto action, which is embedded in the bulk background dual to the $cal{N}$ $=2$ supersymmetric confining Yang-Mills theory. The induced metric of the world sheet for this string solution has an event horizon specified by the fifth coordinate. By an extended Rindler transformation proposed by Xiao, we move to the comoving frame of the accelerated quark-string. Then we find that this horizon is transferred to the event horizon of the bulk and the causal part of the accelerated quark is transformed to a static free-quark in the Rindler coordinate. As a result, the confinement of the Minkowski vacuum is lost in the Rindler vacuum. This point is assured also by studying the potential between the quark and anti-quark. However, the remnants of the original confining force are seen in various thermal quantities. We also discuss the consistency of our results and the claim that the Greens functions will not be changed by the Rindler transformation.

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