Exact computation of one-loop correction to energy of pulsating strings in AdS_5 x S^5

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the present paper, which is a sequel to arXiv:1001:4018, we compute the one-loop correction to the energy of pulsating string solutions in AdS_5 x S^5. We show that, as for rigid spinning string elliptic solutions, the fluctuation operators for pulsating solutions can be also put into the single-gap Lame form. A novel aspect of pulsating solutions is that the one-loop correction to their energy is expressed in terms of the stability angles of the quadratic fluctuation operators. We explicitly study the short string limit of the corresponding one-loop energies, demonstrating a certain universality of the form of the energy of small semiclassical strings. Our results may help to shed light on the structure of strong-coupling expansion of anomalous dimensions of dual gauge theory operators.

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