Radiofrequency spectroscopy of $^6$Li p-wave molecules: towards photoemission spectroscopy of a p-wave superfluid

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Understanding superfluidity with higher order partial waves is crucial for the understanding of high-$T_c$ superconductivity. For the realization of a superfluid with anisotropic order parameter, spin-polarized fermionic lithium atoms with strong p-wave interaction are the most promising candidates to date. We apply rf-spectroscopy techniques that do not suffer from severe final-state effects cite{Perali08} with the goal to perform photoemission spectroscopy on a strongly interacting p-wave Fermi gas similar to that recently applied for s-wave interactions cite{Stewart08}. Radiofrequency spectra of both quasibound p-wave molecules and free atoms in the vicinity of the p-wave Feshbach resonance located at 159.15,G cite{Schunck05} are presented. The observed relative tunings of the molecular and atomic signals in the spectra with magnetic field confirm earlier measurements realized with direct rf-association cite{Fuchs08}. Furthermore, evidence of bound molecule production using adiabatic ramps is shown. A scheme to observe anisotropic superfluid gaps, the most direct proof of p-wave superfluidity, with 1d-optical lattices is proposed.

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