Irregular satellites of Jupiter: Capture configurations of binary-asteroids

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The origins of irregular satellites of the giant planets are an important piece of the giant puzzle that is the theory of Solar System formation. It is well established that they are not in situ formation objects, around the planet, as are believed to be the regular ones. Then, the most plausible hypothesis to explain their origins is that they formed elsewhere and were captured by the planet. However, captures under restricted three-body problem dynamics have temporary feature, which makes necessary the action of an auxiliary capture mechanism. Nevertheless, there not exist one well established capture mechanism. In this work, we tried to understand which aspects of a binary-asteroid capture mechanism could favor the permanent capture of one member of a binary asteroid. We performed more than eight thousand numerical simulations of capture trajectories considering the four-body dynamical system Sun, Jupiter, Binary-asteroid. We restricted the problem to the circular planar prograde case, and time of integration to 10^4 years. With respect to the binary features, we noted that 1) tighter binaries are much more susceptible to produce permanent captures than the large separation-ones. We also found that 2) the permanent capture probability of the minor member of the binary is much more expressive than the major body permanent capture probability. On the other hand, among the aspects of capture-disruption process, 4) a pseudo eastern-quadrature was noted to be a very likely capture angular configuration at the instant of binary disruptions. In addition, we also found that the 5) capture probability is higher for binary asteroids which disrupt in an inferior-conjunction with Jupiter. These results show that the Sun plays a very important role on the capture dynamic of binary asteroids.

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