New results with Swift on Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report here on the most recent results obtained on a new class of High Mass X-ray Binaries, the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients. Since October 2007, we have been performing a monitoring campaign with Swift of four SFXTs (IGRJ17544-2916, XTEJ1739-302, IGRJ16479-4514 and the X-ray pulsar AXJ1841.0-0536) for about 1-2 ks, 2-3 times per week, allowing us to derive the previously unknown long term properties of this new class of sources (their duty cycles, spectral properties in outbursts and out-of-outbursts, temporal behaviour). We also report here on additional Swift observations of two SFXTs which are not part of the monitoring: IGRJ18483-0311 (observed with Swift/XRT during a whole orbital cycle) and SAXJ1818.6-1703 (observed for the first time simultaneously in the energy range 0.3-100 keV during a bright flare).

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