Extending MCAS to hypernuclei and radiative-capture reactions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Using a Multi-Channel Algebraic Scattering (MCAS) approach we have analyzed the spectra of two hyper-nuclear systems, Lambda9Be and Lambda13C. We have studied the splitting of the two odd-parity excited levels (1/2- and 3/2-) at 11 MeV excitation in Lambda13C, originated by the weak Lambda-nucleus spin-orbit force. We have also considered the splittings of the 3/2+ and 5/2+ levels in both Lambda9Be and Lambda13C, finding how they originate from couplings to the collective 2+ states of the core nuclei. In both hyper-nuclei, we suggest that there could be additional low-lying resonant states in the Lambda-nucleus continua. From the MCAS approach one can extract also the full coupled-channel scattering wave-function to be used in the calculation of various transition matrix elements. As a first application, we have considered the EM-transition matrix elements for the capture reaction Alpha + 3He -> 7Be + Gamma .

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