AMANDA 7-Year Multipole Analysis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The multipole analysis investigates the arrival directions of registered neutrino events in AMANDA-II by a spherical harmonics expansion. The expansion of the expected atmospheric neutrino distribution returns a characteristic set of expansion coefficients. This characteristic spectrum of expansion coefficients can be compared with the expansion coefficients of the experimental data. As atmospheric neutrinos are the dominant background of the search for extraterrestrial neutrinos, the agreement of experimental data and the atmospheric prediction can give evidence for physical neutrino sources or systematic uncertainties of the detector. Astrophysical neutrino signals were simulated and it was shown that they influence the expansion coefficients in a characteristic way. Those simulations are used to analyze deviations between experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations with regard to potential physical reasons. The analysis method was applied on the AMANDA-II neutrino sample measured between 2000 and 2006 and results are presented.

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