The X-ray Power Spectral Density Function and Black Hole Mass Estimate for the Seyfert AGN IC 4329a

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the X-ray broadband power spectral density function (PSD) of the X-ray-luminous Seyfert IC 4329a, constructed from light curves obtained via Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer monitoring and an XMM-Newton observation. Modeling the 3-10 keV PSD using a broken power-law PSD shape, a break in power-law slope is significantly detected at a temporal frequency of 2.5(+2.5,-1.7) * 10^-6 Hz, which corresponds to a PSD break time scale T_b of 4.6(+10.1,-2.3) days. Using the relation between T_b, black hole mass M_BH, and bolometric luminosity as quantified by McHardy and coworkers, we infer a black hole mass estimate of M_BH = 1.3(+1.0,-0.3) * 10^8 solar masses and an accretion rate relative to Eddington of 0.21(+0.06,-0.10) for this source. Our estimate of M_BH is consistent with other estimates, including that derived by the relation between M_BH and stellar velocity dispersion. We also present PSDs for the 10-20 and 20-40 keV bands; they lack sufficient temporal frequency coverage to reveal a significant break, but are consistent with the same PSD shape and break frequency as in the 3-10 keV band.

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