Hitchins Projectively Flat Connection, Toeplitz Operators and the Asymptotic Expansion of TQFT Curve Operators

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper, we will provide a review of the geometric construction, proposed by Witten, of the SU(n) quantum representations of the mapping class groups which are part of the Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT for the quantum group U_q(sl(n, C)). In particular, we recall the differential geometric construction of Hitchins projectively flat connection in the bundle over Teichmuller space obtained by push-forward of the determinant line bundle over the moduli space of rank n, fixed determinant, semi-stable bundles fibering over Teichmuller space. We recall the relation between the Hitchin connection and Toeplitz operators which was first used by the first named author to prove the asymptotic faithfulness of the SU(n) quantum representations of the mapping class groups. We further review the construction of the formal Hitchin connection, and we discuss its relation to the full asymptotic expansion of the curve operators of Topological Quantum Field Theory. We then go on to identifying the first terms in the formal parallel transport of the Hitchin connection explicitly. This allows us to identify the first terms in the resulting star product on functions on the moduli space. This is seen to agree with the first term in the star product on holonomy functions on these moduli spaces defined by Andersen, Mattes and Reshetikhin.

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