A Close Correlation between Third Kepler Law and Titius-Bode Rule

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work we present a close correlation between third Kepler law and Titius-Bode empirical rule. Concretely, we demonstrate that third Kepler law, or, corresponding equilibrium condition between centrifugal and Newtonian gravitational force, implies that planet orbital momentum becomes effectively a function of the planet distance as unique variable and vice versa. Then, approximation of the planet distance by its first order Taylor expansion over planet orbital momentum holds an exponential form corresponding to Titius-Bode rule. In this way it is not necessary postulate exponential form of the planet distance (as it has been done by Scardigli) but only discrete values of its argument. Physically, it simply means that, in the linear approximation, quantized planets orbital momentums do a geometrical progression.

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