Coherence of single spins coupled to a nuclear spin bath of varying density

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The dynamics of single electron and nuclear spins in a diamond lattice with different 13C nuclear spin concentration is investigated. It is shown that coherent control of up to three individual nuclei in a dense nuclear spin cluster is feasible. The free induction decays of nuclear spin Bell states and single nuclear coherences among 13C nuclear spins are compared and analyzed. Reduction of a free induction decay time T2* and a coherence time T2 upon increase of nuclear spin concentration has been found. For diamond material with depleted concentration of nuclear spin, T2* as long as 30 microseconds and T2 of up to 1.8 ms for the electron spin has been observed. The 13C concentration dependence of T2* is explained by Fermi contact and dipolar interactions with nuclei in the lattice. It has been found that T2 decreases approximately as 1/n, where n is 13C concentration, as expected for an electron spin interacting with a nuclear spin bath.

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