A Simple Determination of the Thermodynamical Characteristics of the Weakly Charged, Very Thin Black Ring

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In our previous work we suggested a very simple, approximate formalism for description of some basic (especially thermodynamical) characteristics of a non-charged, rotating, very thin black ring. Here, in our new work, generalizing our previous results, we suggest a very simple, approximate description of some basic (especially thermodynamical) characteristics of a weakly charged, rotating, very thin black ring. (Our formalism is not theoretically dubious, since, at it is not hard to see, it can represent an extreme simplification of a more accurate, e.g. Copeland-Lahiri, string formalism for the black hole description.) Even if suggested formalism is, generally speaking, phenomenological and rough, obtained final results, unexpectedly, are non-trivial. Concretely, given formalism reproduces exactly Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, Bekenstein quantization of the entropy or horizon area and Hawking temperature of a weakly charged, rotating, very thin black ring originally obtained earlier using more accurate analysis by Emparan, Aestefanesei, Radu etc. (Conceptually it is similar to situation in Bohrs atomic model where energy levels are determined practically exactly even if electron motion is described roughly.) Our formalism is physically based on the assumption that circumference of the horizon tube holds the natural (integer) number of corresponding reduced Comptons wave length. (It is conceptually similar to Bohrs quantization postulate in Bohrs atomic model interpreted by de Broglie relation.) Also, we use, mathematically, practically only simple algebraic equations.

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