Perspective Drawing of Surfaces with Line Hidden Line Elimination, Dibujando Superficies En Perspectiva Con Eliminacion De Lineas Ocultas

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An efficient computer algorithm is described for the perspective drawing of a wide class of surfaces. The class includes surfaces corresponding lo single-valued, continuous functions which are defined over rectangular domains. The algorithm automatically computes and eliminates hidden lines. The number of computations in the algorithm grows linearly with the number of sample points on the surface to be drawn. An analysis of the algorithm is presented, and extensions lo certain multi-valued functions are indicated. The algorithm is implemented and tested on .Net 2.0 platform that left interactive use. Running times are found lo be exceedingly efficient for visualization, where interaction on-line and view-point control, enables effective and rapid examination of a surfaces from many perspectives.

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