Quark models of dibaryon resonances in nucleon-nucleon scattering

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We look for $DeltaDelta$ and $NDelta$ resonances by calculating $NN$ scattering phase shifts of two interacting baryon clusters of quarks with explicit coupling to these dibaryon channels. Two phenomenological nonrelativistic chiral quark models giving similar low-energy $NN$ properties are found to give significantly different dibaryon resonance structures. In the chiral quark model (ChQM), the dibaryon system does not resonate in the $NN$ $S$-waves, in agreement with the experimental SP07 $NN$ partial-wave scattering amplitudes. In the quark delocalization and color screening model (QDCSM), the $S$-wave NN resonances disappear when the nucleon size $b$ falls below 0.53 fm. Both quark models give an $IJ^P = 03^+$ $DeltaDelta$ resonance. At $b=0.52 $fm, the value favored by baryon spectrum, the resonance mass is 2390 (2420) MeV for the ChQM with quadratic (linear) confinement, and 2360 MeV for the QDCSM. Accessible from the $^3D_3^{NN}$ channel, this resonance is a promising candidate for the known isoscalar ABC structure seen more clearly in the $pn$$to $$dpipi$ production cross section at 2410 MeV in the recent preliminary data reported by the CELSIUS-WASA Collaboration. In the isovector dibaryon sector, our quark models give a bound or almost bound $^5S_2^{DeltaDelta}$ state that can give rise to a $^1D_2^{NN}$ resonance. None of the quark models used has bound $NDelta$ $P$-states that might generate odd-parity resonances.

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