We describe non-flat standard Friedmann cosmology of canonical scalar field with barotropic fluid in form of non-linear Schr{o}dinger-type (NLS) formulation in which all cosmological dynamical quantities are expressed in term of Schr{o}dinger quantities as similar to those in time-independent quantum mechanics. We assume the expansion to be superfast, i.e. phantom expansion. We report all Schr{o}dinger-analogous quantities to scalar field cosmology. Effective equation of state coefficient is analyzed and illustrated. We show that in a non-flat universe, there is no fixed $w_{rm eff}$ value for the phantom divide. In a non-flat universe, even $w_{rm eff} > -1$, the expansion can be phantom. Moreover, in open universe, phantom expansion can happen even with $w_{rm eff} > 0$. We also report scalar field exact solutions within frameworks of the Friedmann formulation and the NLS formulation in non-flat universe cases.
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