The effects of ram-pressure stripping on the internal kinematics of simulated spiral galaxies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the influence of ram-pressure stripping on the internal gas kinematics of simulated spiral galaxies. Additional emphasis is put on the question of how the resulting distortions of the gaseous disc are visible in the rotation curve and/or the full 2D velocity field of galaxies at different redshifts. A Milky-Way type disc galaxy is modelled in combined N-body/hydrodynamic simulations with prescriptions for cooling, star formation, stellar feedback, and galactic winds. This model galaxy moves through a constant density and temperature gas, which has parameters similar to the intra-cluster medium (ICM). Rotation curves (RCs) and 2D velocity fields of the gas are extracted from these simulations in a way that follows the procedure applied to observations of distant, small, and faint galaxies as closely as possible. We find that the appearance of distortions of the gaseous disc due to ram-pressure stripping depends on the direction of the acting ram pressure. In the case of face-on ram pressure, the distortions mainly appear in the outer parts of the galaxy in a very symmetric way. In contrast, in the case of edge-on ram pressure we find stronger distortions. The 2D velocity field also shows signatures of the interaction in the inner part of the disc. At angles smaller than 45 degrees between the ICM wind direction and the disc, the velocity field asymmetry increases significantly compared to larger angles. Compared to distortions caused by tidal interactions, the effects of ram-pressure stripping on the velocity field are relatively low in all cases and difficult to observe at intermediate redshift in seeing-limited observations. (abridged)

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