A new search strategy for microquasar candidates using NVSS/2MASS and XMM-Newton data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Microquasars are ideal natural laboratories for understanding accretion/ejection processes, studying the physics of relativistic jets, and testing gravitational phenomena. Nevertheless, these objects are difficult to find in our Galaxy. The main goal of this work is to increase the number of known systems of this kind. We have developed an improved search strategy based on positional cross-identification with very restrictive selection criteria to find new MQs, taking advantage of more sensitive modern radio and X-ray data. We find 86 sources with positional coincidence in the NVSS/XMM catalogs at |b|<10 deg. Among them, 24 are well-known objects and the remaining 62 sources are unidentified. For the fully coincident sources, whenever possible, we analyzed color-color and hardness ratio diagrams and found that at least 3 of them display high-mass X-ray binary characteristics, making them potential microquasar candidates.

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