Reply to Comment on Regularizing Capacity of Metabolic Networks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In a recent paper [C. Marr, M. Mueller-Linow, and M.-T. Huett, Phys. Rev. E 75, 041917 (2007)] we discuss the pronounced potential of real metabolic network topologies, compared to randomized counterparts, to regularize complex binary dynamics. In their comment [P. Holme and M. Huss, arXiv:0705.4084v1], Holme and Huss criticize our approach and repeat our study with more realistic dynamics, where stylized reaction kinetics are implemented on sets of pairwise reactions. The authors find no dynamic difference between the reaction sets recreated from the metabolic networks and randomized counterparts. We reproduce the authors observation and find that their algorithm leads to a dynamical fragmentation and thus eliminates the topological information contained in the graphs. Hence, their approach cannot rule out a connection between the topology of metabolic networks and the ubiquity of steady states.

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