Critical Line in Random Threshold Networks with Inhomogeneous Thresholds

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We calculate analytically the critical connectivity $K_c$ of Random Threshold Networks (RTN) for homogeneous and inhomogeneous thresholds, and confirm the results by numerical simulations. We find a super-linear increase of $K_c$ with the (average) absolute threshold $|h|$, which approaches $K_c(|h|) sim h^2/(2ln{|h|})$ for large $|h|$, and show that this asymptotic scaling is universal for RTN with Poissonian distributed connectivity and threshold distributions with a variance that grows slower than $h^2$. Interestingly, we find that inhomogeneous distribution of thresholds leads to increased propagation of perturbations for sparsely connected networks, while for densely connected networks damage is reduced; the cross-over point yields a novel, characteristic connectivity $K_d$, that has no counterpart in Boolean networks. Last, local correlations between node thresholds and in-degree are introduced. Here, numerical simulations show that even weak (anti-)correlations can lead to a transition from ordered to chaotic dynamics, and vice versa. It is shown that the naive mean-field assumption typical for the annealed approximation leads to false predictions in this case, since correlations between thresholds and out-degree that emerge as a side-effect strongly modify damage propagation behavior.

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