Separation of the visible and dark matter in the Einstein ring LBG J213512.73-010143

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We model the mass distribution in the recently discovered Einstein ring LBG J213512.73-010143 (the `Cosmic Eye) using archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging. We reconstruct the mass density profile of the z=0.73 lens and the surface brightness distribution of the z=3.07 source and find that the observed ring is best fit with a dual-component lens model consisting of a baryonic Sersic component nested within a dark matter halo. The dark matter halo has an inner slope of 1.42+/-0.23, consistent with CDM simulations after allowing for baryon contraction. The baryonic component has a B-band mass-to-light ratio of 1.71+0.28-0.38 (solar units) which when evolved to the present day is in agreement with local ellipticals. Within the Einstein radius of 0.77 (5.6 kpc), the baryons account for (46+/-11)% of the total lens mass. External shear from a nearby foreground cluster is accurately predicted by the model. The reconstructed surface brightness distribution in the source plane clearly shows two peaks. Through a generalisation of our lens inversion method, we conclude that the redshifts of both peaks are consistent with each other, suggesting that we are seeing structure within a single galaxy.

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