Directed Chaotic Transport in Hamiltonian Ratchets

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a comprehensive account of directed transport in one-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with spatial and temporal periodicity. They can be considered as Hamiltonian ratchets in the sense that ensembles of particles can show directed ballistic transport in the absence of an average force. We discuss general conditions for such directed transport, like a mixed classical phase space, and elucidate a sum rule that relates the contributions of different phase-space components to transport with each other. We show that regular ratchet transport can be directed against an external potential gradient while chaotic ballistic transport is restricted to unbiased systems. For quantized Hamiltonian ratchets we study transport in terms of the evolution of wave packets and derive a semiclassical expression for the distribution of level velocities which encode the quantum transport in the Floquet band spectra. We discuss the role of dynamical tunneling between transporting islands and the chaotic sea and the breakdown of transport in quantum ratchets with broken spatial periodicity.

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