Problems from the workshop on Automorphisms of Curves (Leiden, August, 2004)

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Contents: Rational functions with given monodromy on generic curves (I. Bouw & S. Wewers); Can deformation rings of group representations not be local complete intersections? (T. Chinburg); Lifting an automorphism group to finite characteristic (G. Cornelissen); Flat connections and representations of the fundamental group in characteristic p>0 (C. Gasbarri) Questions on p-torsion of hyperelliptic curves (D. Glass & R. Pries); Automorphisms of curves and stable reduction (C. Lehr & M. Matignon); p-groups as automorphism groups of curves in characteristic p; Lifting Galois covers of smooth curves (M. Matignon); Abelian varieties isogenous to a Jacobian (F. Oort); Minimal maximal number of automorphisms of curves (F. Oort)

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