Principal bundles with groupoid structure: local vs. global theory and nonabelian u{c}ech cohomology

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The aim of this paper is to review and discuss in detail local aspects of principal bundles with groupoid structure. Many results, in particular from the second and third section, are already known to some extents, but, due to the lack of a ``unified point of view on the subject, I decided nonetheless to (re)define all the main concepts and write all proofs; however, some results are reformulated in a more elegant way, using the division map and the generalized conjugation of a Lie groupoid. In the same framework, I discuss later generalized groupoids and Morita equivalences from a local point of view; in particular, I found a (so far as I know) new characterization of generalized morphisms coming from nonabelian ech cohomology, which allows one to view generalized morphisms as a generalization of classical descent data. I found also a factorization formula for the division map, which is the crucial point in the local formulation of Morita equivalences.

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