Constraints on Unified Gauge Theories from Noncommutative Geometry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The Connes and Lott reformulation of the strong and electroweak model represents a promising application of noncommutative geometry. In this scheme the Higgs field naturally appears in the theory as a particular `gauge boson, connected to the discrete internal space, and its quartic potential, fixed by the model, is not vanishing only when more than one fermion generation is present. Moreover, the exact hypercharge assignments and relations among the masses of particles have been obtained. This paper analyzes the possibility of extensions of this model to larger unified gauge groups. Noncommutative geometry imposes very stringent constraints on the possible theories, and remarkably, the analysis seems to suggest that no larger gauge groups are compatible with the noncommutative structure, unless one enlarges the fermionic degrees of freedom, namely the number of particles.

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