Moduli Stabilization in Type IIB Orientifolds (II)

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We discuss general properties of moduli stablization in KKLT scenarios in type IIB orientifold compactifications. In particular, we find conditions for the Kaehler potential to allow a KKLT scenario for a manifold X_6 without complex structure moduli, i.e. h_(2,1)(X_6)=0. This way, a whole class of type IIB orientifolds with h_(2,1)(X_6)=0 is ruled out. This excludes in particular all Z_N- and Z_N x Z_M-orientifolds X_6 with h_(2,1)(X_6)=0 for a KKLT scenario. This concerns Z_3, Z_7, Z_3 x Z_3, Z_4 x Z_4, Z_6 x Z_6 and Z_2 x Z_6 -both at the orbifold point and away from it. Furthermore, we propose a mechanism to stabilize the Kaehler moduli accociated to the odd cohomology H^(1,1)_-(X_6). In the second part of this work we discuss the moduli stabilization of resolved type IIB Z_N- or Z_N x Z_M - orbifold/orientifold compactifications. As examples for the resolved Z_6 and Z_2 x Z_4 orbifolds we fix all moduli through a combination of fluxes and racetrack superpotential.

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