New D=4 gauged supergravities from N=4 orientifolds with fluxes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider classes of T_6 orientifolds, where the orientifold projection contains an inversion I_{9-p} on 9-p coordinates, transverse to a Dp-brane. In absence of fluxes, the massless sector of these models corresponds to diverse forms of N=4 supergravity, with six bulk vector multiplets coupled to N=4 Yang--Mills theory on the branes. They all differ in the choice of the duality symmetry corresponding to different embeddings of SU(1,1)times SO(6,6+n) in Sp(24+2n,R), the latter being the full group of duality rotations. Hence, these Lagrangians are not related by local field redefinitions. When fluxes are turned on one can construct new gaugings of N=4 supergravity, where the twelve bulk vectors gauge some nilpotent algebra which, in turn, depends on the choice of fluxes.

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