Truly Minimal Unification : Asymptotically Strong Panacea ?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose Susy GUTs have a UV attractor at E ~ Lambda_{cU} ~ 10^{17} GeV where gauge symmetries ``confine forming singlet condensates at scales E ~ Lambda_{cU}. The length l_U ~ Lambda_{cU}^{-1} characterizies the size of gauge non- singlet particles yielding a picture dual to the Dual Standard model of Vachaspati. This Asymptotic Slavery (AS) fixed point is driven by realistic Fermion Mass(FM) Higgs content which implies AS. This defines a dynamical morphogenetic scenario dependent on the dynamics of UV strong N=1 Susy Gauge-Chiral(SGC) theories. Such systems are already understood in the AF case but ignored in the AS case. Analogy to the AFSGC suggests the perturbative SM gauge group of the Grand Desert confines at GUT scales i.e GUT symmetry is ``non-restored. Restoration before confinement and self-inconsistency are the two other (less likely) logical possibilities. Truly Minimal (TM) SU(5) and SO(10) models with matter and FM Higgs only are defined; AM (adjoint multiplet type) Higgs may be introduced for a Classical Phase Transition (CPT) description. Renormalizability and R-Parity leave only the low energy (SM) data as free parameters in the TM (Quantum PT) case. Besides ab initio resolution of the Heirarchy problem and choice of Susy vacuum, fresh perspectives on particle elementarity and duality, doublet triplet splitting, proton decay suppression, soft Susy masses etc open up. ``Elastic (spin 2 and spin 3/2) fluctuations of the AS (or pleromal) condensate coupling universally to SM particles with length scale l_U ~ l_{Pl} imply an effective N=1 (super)gravity in the Grand Desert, in which gaugino condensates yield soft Susy breaking. The AF dogma must be proven or discarded.

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