Searching for L-Violating Supersymmetry at the LHC

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The possibility to simulate lepton number violating supersymmetric models has been introduced into the recently updated PYTHIA event generator, now containing 1278 decay channels of SUSY particles into SM particles via lepton number violating interactions. This generator has been used in combination with the ATLFAST detector simulation to study the impact of lepton number violation (LV) on event topologies in the ATLAS detector, and trigger menus designed for LV-SUSY are proposed based on very general considerations. In addition, a rather preliminary analysis is presented on the possibility for ATLAS to observe a signal above the background in several mSUGRA scenarios, using a combination of primitive cuts and neural networks to optimize the discriminating power between signal and background events over regions of parameter space rather than at individual points. It is found that a 5 sigma discovery is possible roughly for m_{1/2} < 1TeV and m_0 < 2TeV with an integrated luminosity of 30fb^{-1}, corresponding to one year of data taking with the LHC running at ``mid-luminosity, L = 3*10^{33}s^{-1}cm^{-2}.

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