Selected Results in Hadronic Final State Physics at HERA

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This presentation reports recent results from the hadronic final state in DIS at HERA. Forward jet and $pi^0$ production have been measured by the H1 experiment. The forward jet production cross section shows significant deviation from the predictions based on DGLAP evolution. The forward $pi^0$ data discriminate between different QCD models and are best described by models which take into account the partonic substructure of virtual photons. Inclusive $K_s^0K_s^0$ production in $ep$ has been studied with the ZEUS detector using an integrated luminosity of 120 pb$^{-1}$. Two states are observed at masses of 1537 MeV and 1726 MeV as well as an enhancement around 1300 MeV. The state at 1537 MeV is consistent with the well established $f_2^prime(1525)$. The state at 1726 MeV may be the glueball candidate $f_0(1710)$.

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