Physics Potential at FNAL with Stronger Proton Sources

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This document is the second in a series of reports on the exciting physics that would be accessible at Fermilab in the event of an upgraded proton source. Where the first report covered a broad range of topics, this report focuses specifically on three areas of study: there are brief discussions on the new measurements one could make in both the neutron and anti-proton sectors, and then a detailed discussion of what could be achieved in the neutrino oscillation sector using an upgraded proton source to supply the NuMI beamline with more protons. If one places a new detector optimized for $ u_e$ appearance at a new location slightly off the axis defined by the MINOS experiment, that new experiment would be ideal for making the next important steps in lepton flavor studies, namely, the search for $ u_mu to u_e$ at the atmospheric mass splitting, and CP violations. The report concludes with a summary of proton economics and demands for increased proton intensity for the Booster and Main Injector: what the proton source at Fermilab can currently supply, and what adiabatic changes could be implemented to boost the proton supply on the way from here to a proton driver upgrade.

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