Comparison of different ladder models

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Using density matrix renormalization group calculations, we compare results obtained for the t-J, one-band Hubbard and three-band Hubbard models of a two-leg CuO ladder. Spin and charge gaps, pair binding energies, and effective pair hoppings are calculated for a wide range of parameters. All three models have an insulating state at a filling corresponding to one hole per Cu site. For physically relevant parameters their spin gaps are similar in size but they exhibit quite different charge gaps. We find that the binding energy of a pair of doped holes is of the order of the undoped ladder spin gap for all three models. The main difference between the models is the size of the effective pair hopping, which is significantly larger in the three-band model with parameters appropriate for CuO materials than in the other two models.

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