Explicit Symplectic Integrators of Molecular Dynamics Algorithms for Rigid-Body Molecules in the Canonical, Isothermal-Isobaric, and Related Ensembles

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose explicit symplectic integrators of molecular dynamics (MD) algorithms for rigid-body molecules in the canonical and isothermal-isobaric ensembles. We also present a symplectic algorithm in the constant normal pressure and lateral surface area ensemble and that combined with the Parrinello-Rahman algorithm. Employing the symplectic integrators for MD algorithms, there is a conserved quantity which is close to Hamiltonian. Therefore, we can perform a MD simulation more stably than by conventional nonsymplectic algorithms. We applied this algorithm to a TIP3P pure water system at 300 K and compared the time evolution of the Hamiltonian with those by the nonsymplectic algorithms. We found that the Hamiltonian was conserved well by the symplectic algorithm even for a time step of 4 fs. This time step is longer than typical values of 0.5-2 fs which are used by the conventional nonsymplectic algorithms.

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