Domain wall magnetoresistance in a nanopatterned La(2/3)Sr(1/3)MnO3 track

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We have measured the contribution of magnetic domain walls (DWs) to the electric resistance in epitaxial manganite films patterned by electron-beam lithography into a track containing a set of notches. We find a DW resistance-area (RA) product of ~2.5 10^(-13) Ohm/m^2 at low temperature and bias, which is several orders of magnitude larger than the values reported for 3d ferromagnets. However, the current-voltage characteristics are highly linear which indicates that the DWs are not phase separated but metallic. The DWRA is found to increase upon increasing the injected current, presumably reflecting some deformation of the wall by spin-transfer. When increasing temperature, the DWRA vanishes at ~225K which is likely related to the temperature dependence of the film anisotropy.

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