Temperature dependent magnetic anisotropy in metallic magnets from an ab-initio electronic structure theory: L1_0-ordered FePt

الملخص بالإنكليزية

On the basis of a first-principles, relativistic electronic structure theory of finite temperature metallic magnetism, we investigate the variation of magnetic anisotropy, K, with magnetisation, M, in metallic ferromagnets. We apply the theory to the high magnetic anisotropy material, L1_0-ordered FePt, and find its uniaxial K consistent with a magnetic easy axis perpendicular to the Fe/Pt layering for all M and to be proportional to M^2 for a broad range of values of M. For small M, near the Curie temperature, the calculations pick out the easy axis for the onset of magnetic order. Our results are in good agreement with recent experimental measurements on this important magnetic material.

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