The low magnetic field diffusion thermopower of a high mobility GaAs-heterostructure has been measured directly on an electrostatically defined micron-scale Hall-bar structure at low temperature (T = 1.6 K) in the low magnetic field regime (B < 1.2 T) where delocalized quantum Hall states do not influence the measurements. The sample design allowed the determination of the field dependence of the thermopower both parallel and perpendicular to the temperature gradient, denoted respectively by Sxx (longitudinal thermopower) and Syx (Nernst-Ettinghausen coefficient). The experimental data show clear oscillations in Sxx and Syx due to the formation of Landau levels for 0.3 T < B < 1.2 T and reveal that Syx is approximately 120 times larger than Sxx at a magnetic field of 1 T, which agrees well with the theoretical prediction.
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