Enhancement of Curie temperature in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As/Ga(1-y)Al(y)As ferromagnetic heterostructures by Be modulation doping

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The effect of modulation doping by Be on the ferromagnetic properties of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As is investigated in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As/Ga(1-y)Al(y)As heterojunctions and quantum wells. Introducing Be acceptors into the Ga(1-y)Al(y)As barriers leads to an increase of the Curie temperature T_C of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As, from 70 K in undoped structures to over 100 K with the modulation doping. This increase is qualitatively consistent with a multi-band mean field theory simulation of carrier-mediated ferromagnetism. An important feature is that the increase of T_C occurs only in those structures where the modulation doping is introduced after the deposition of the magnetic layer, but not when the Be-doped layer is grown first. This behavior is expected from the strong sensitivity of Mn interstitial formation to the value of the Fermi energy during growth.

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