Temperature Dependence of the Cyclotron Mass in n-Type CdS

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recent cyclotron resonance experiments in n-type CdS at ultra-high magnetic fields have revealed a pronounced maximum of the electron cyclotron mass as a function of temperature. In order to interpret these data, we calculate the magneto-absorption spectra of polarons in n-CdS using the arbitrary-coupling approach. We show that in high magnetic fields the polaron effects beyond the weak-coupling approximation clearly reveal themselves in the magneto-optical absorption even at relatively small values of the Froehlich coupling constant. In particular, those effects result in a non-monotonous behaviour of the cyclotron mass as a function of temperature. We extend the theory to take into account a combined effect of several scattering mechanisms on the magneto-absorption spectra. The extended theory allows us to interpret quantitatively the experimentally observed behaviour of the cyclotron mass in CdS.

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