Quantized vortices in mixed 3He-4He drops

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Using density functional theory, we investigate the structure of mixed $^3$He$_{N_3}$-$^4$He$_{N_4}$ droplets with an embedded impurity (Xe atom or HCN molecule) which pins a quantized vortex line. We find that the dopant+vortex+$^4$He$_{N_4}$ complex, which in a previous work [F. Dalfovo {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 85}, 1028 (2000)] was found to be energetically stable below a critical size $N_{rm cr}$, is robust against the addition of $^3$He. While $^3$He atoms are distributed along the vortex line and on the surface of the $^4$He drop, the impurity is mostly coated by $^4$He atoms. Results for $N_4=500$ and a number of $^3$He atoms ranging from 0 to 100 are presented, and the binding energy of the dopant to the vortex line is determined.

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