Spin chains and combinatorics

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this letter we continue the investigation of finite XXZ spin chains with periodic boundary conditions and odd number of sites, initiated in paper cite{S}. As it turned out, for a special value of the asymmetry parameter $Delta=-1/2$ the Hamiltonian of the system has an eigenvalue, which is exactly proportional to the number of sites $E=-3N/2$. Using {sc Mathematica} we have found explicitly the corresponding eigenvectors for $N le 17$. The obtained results support the conjecture of paper cite{S} that this special eigenvalue corresponds to the ground state vector. We make a lot of conjectures concerning the correlations of the model. Many remarkable relations between the wave function components are noticed. It is turned out, for example, that the ratio of the largest component to the least one is equal to the number of the alternating sing matrices.

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